Map and Directions
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The Great Lakes Commission is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, near the State Street exit of I-94.
1300 Victors Way, Suite 1350 • Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Main phone: 734-971-9135 • Google Map
Great Lakes Commission
1300 Victors Way, Suite 1350
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Directions from Metro Airport/I-94
- From Detroit Metro Airport, take I-94 west to exit 177, State Street
- Turn right onto State Street (heading north)
- Turn almost immediate right onto Victors Way (just before Mobil station)
- Drive straight into Atrium Corporate Park, head to the parking lot to the LEFT of the multi-story tower
- Look for building 1300; the Great Lakes Commission is in suite 1350.
If you are coming from west of Ann Arbor and are heading east on I-94, exit at 177, State Street, and turn left to head north. Follow the above directions 3-5 to get to the office.
Directions from U.S. 23
If you are heading north or south on U.S. 23, exit onto I-94 west (toward Chicago) and follow the above directions 1-5 for I-94 to get to the office.
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