Map and Directions


The Great Lakes Commission is located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, near the State Street exit of I-94.

1300 Victors Way, Suite 1350   •   Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Main phone:  734-971-9135   •   Google Map

Great Lakes Commission

1300 Victors Way, Suite 1350
Ann Arbor, MI  48108

Directions from Metro Airport/I-94
  1. From Detroit Metro Airport, take I-94 west to exit 177, State Street
  2. Turn right onto State Street (heading north)
  3. Turn almost immediate right onto Victors Way (just before Mobil station)
  4. Drive straight into Atrium Corporate Park, head to the parking lot to the LEFT of the multi-story tower
  5. Look for building 1300; the Great Lakes Commission is in suite 1350.

If you are coming from west of Ann Arbor and are heading east on I-94, exit at 177, State Street, and turn left to head north. Follow the above directions 3-5 to get to the office.

Directions from U.S. 23

If you are heading north or south on U.S. 23, exit onto I-94 west (toward Chicago) and follow the above directions 1-5 for I-94 to get to the office.


For media inquiries, please contact Beth Wanamaker, [email protected].

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