Internet Trade of Aquatic Invasive Species

About the Internet Trade of Aquatic Invasive Species

Since aquatic invasive species (AIS) are recognized as one of the most significant threats to the ecological and economic health of the Great Lakes Region, the Great Lakes Commission has been working on many AIS-focused projects with the aim of minimizing further spread in our waterways.

One of the ways AIS can spread is through online internet sales. Internet sales are often driven by hobbyists using invasive plants, fish, and invertebrate species in their aquariums. However, many of these sellers are unaware of state regulations on invasive species or how to properly dispose of them when no longer wanted/needed.

The Great Lakes Detector of Invasive Aquatics in Trade (GLDIATR) is an innovative approach developed by the Great Lakes Commission which works to identify where online sales of invasive species are occurring and by whom. This information is then used to guide communication and education efforts. GLDIATR helps resource managers identify, evaluate, prevent, and minimize the risk that species will be imported or shipped into the Great Lakes region.

By working together to stop the spread of aquatic invasive species, we can create a healthy and safe Great Lakes region, but we need your help to get there!

Decorative image of North America and "Stop the Spread of Aquatic Invasives!"


This project is supported with funding through the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

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