HABs Collaborative
Linking Science and Management to Reduce Harmful Algal Blooms
For More Information
Nicole Zacharda
Program Manager
Great Lakes Commission
[email protected]
Publications and Documents
HABs Collaborative Products
- Harmful Algal Blooms Conference Research Summary 2024 (10/22/2024)
- The HABs Collaborative helped to facilitate sessions at two conferences related to freshwater research in 2024: the International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) conference and the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) annual meeting. This document serves to share the 32 abstracts and contact information from these conference research sessions, as modified for a broader audience (including non-scientists).
- HABs Science & Policy Workshop Takeaways (10/14/2024)
- On April 9-10, 2024, the Great Lakes Commission hosted agency officials, scientists, and legislators to chart a way forward on how to reduce and mitigate HABs throughout the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River basin. This multidisciplinary group discussed nutrient management programs, systems in place to respond to HABs, and potential methods for improving water quality. While this document is not a comprehensive review of the HABs issue, it is intended to provide a summary of workshop discussions.
- Chronic Long-Term Health Effects of HAB Toxins (5/24/2022)
- Contributions by: Jordan Murray, Rebecca Kuang, Alison Mascarenhas, Apurva Lad, John Najjar, David Kennedy, Andrew Ault, Judy Westrick, Steven Haller (with input from the HABs Collaborative Steering Committee)
- Health Effects Associated with Exposure to HAB Toxins through Aerosolization (5/24/2022)
- Contributions by: Jordan Murray, Prajwal Hegde, Shivani Patel, Josh Breidenbach, Judy Westrick, Steven Haller, David Kennedy, Andrew Ault (with input from the HABs Collaborative Steering Committee)
- Great Lakes Harmful Algal Blooms: Current Knowledge Gaps (5/11/2021)
- Contributions by: Greg Boyer, Mary Anne Evans, Timothy Maguire, Silvia Newell, Heather Raymond, Dale Robertson, Katie Stammler, Nicole Zacharda, and Ken Gibbons
- Who Does What? A Guide to Agencies’ Roles in HABs (2/19/2021)
- Contributions by: Paul Gledhill, Cherri Baysinger, Michelle Selzer, Katie Stammler, Nicole Zacharda, and Ken Gibbons.
- How Does Nitrogen Affect Harmful Algal Blooms? (10/9/2017)
- Contributions by: Silvia Newell, Laura Johnson, Mark McCarthy, Justin Chaffin, Kateri Salk, Mary Skopec, Austin Brian, Victoria Pebbles, and Ken Gibbons.
- Phosphorus (P) and HABs: Sources of P from the Maumee River (9/12/2017)
- Contributions by: Rebecca Logsdon Muenich , Laura Johnson, John Bratton, Kristen DeVanna Fussell, Douglas Kane, Margret Kalcic, Dale Robertson, Sandra Eberts, Mary Anne Evans, and Ken Gibbons
- A Collaborative Approach: Linking science and management to reduce harmful algal blooms – Video
HABs Collaborative Presentations
- The Great Lakes HABs Collaborative: connecting science and management (11/19/2020)
- Dr. Katie Stammler, Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative: Webinar on Phosphorus and Hazardous Algae Blooms
- The Great Lakes HABs Collaboratory: building a boundary space for scientists and managers (2/27/2019)
- Victoria Pebbles, ASLO Winter Meeting 2019
HABs Collaborative Project Documents
HABs Collaborative Videos