Our Work
Great Lakes Commission Project List
The Commission designates program areas in its strategic plan and establishes a wide variety of projects to support each program area. The following is an alphabetical list of active or recently completed Great Lakes Commission projects. To browse projects by program area, please select a program area from the menu at left.
For final products related to completed (non-active) projects, please visit the Library where completed projects are listed under the “Project Archives” category. If you need help finding project information, please submit an inquiry via our contact form.
Active Projects
- Advocacy
- Approaches for Improving Great Lakes Water Infrastructure: A Blueprint
- Assessing the Economic Impact of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
- Blue Accounting
- Conservation Kick & Environmental Markets
- European Frog-bit Collaborative
- Great Lakes Dredging Team
- Great Lakes Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Great Lakes HABs Collaborative
- Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species
- Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative
- Great Lakes Sediment and Nutrient Reduction Program
- Great Lakes Stormwater Collaborative
- Great Lakes Regional Sediment Management (formerly Tributary Modeling Program)
- Great Lakes Regional Water Use Database
- Great Lakes Resiliency
- Habitat Restoration in Great Lakes Areas of Concern
- Habitat Restoration in Priority Coastal Areas
- Internet Trade of Aquatic Invasive Species
- Interstate Early Detection and Rapid Response
- Invasive Mussel Collaborative
- Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework
- Phragmites Symbiosis Collaborative
- State Revolving Funds
- Statewide Inland Sensitivity Atlases
- Strategy for the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Maritime Transportation System
Recently Archived Projects
- Green Infrastructure Champions
- Strengthening the Great Lakes Water-Based Economy
- Revitalizing Waterfront Communities
- ErieStat (a Blue Accounting pilot project)
- Source Water Initiative (a Blue Accounting pilot project)
- Invasive Species and the Chicago Area Waterway System
- Best Practices for Integrated Water Infrastructure Asset Management (IWAM)
- Erie P Market
- Fox P Trade
- Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Ballast Water Workshop
- Greater Lakes: Reconnecting the Great Lakes Water Cycle
- Great Lakes Stormwater Tech Transfer
- Mapping and Monitoring Avian Resources
- Michigan Clean Water Corps
- Michigan Volunteer River, Stream and Creek Cleanup Program
- Oil Transportation in the Great Lakes – St. Lawrence River Region
- Researching Effectiveness of Agricultural Programs (REAP)
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