Great Lakes Resiliency

About Great Lakes Resiliency

Changes in climate, increased variability of lake levels, and other changing conditions continue to affect the people, places, economy, and environment of the Great Lakes basin. The effects of these changes include increased risks to existing water resource quality and supply, agriculture, maritime navigation, infrastructure, biological organisms, shorelines and coastal zones, and existing restoration efforts.

To build and establish regional coordination around climate resilience, the Great Lakes Commission (GLC), with the input of many partners, created an Action Plan for a Resilient Great Lakes Basin. The action plan helps to prioritize efforts and forms a roadmap to advance climate resilience in the Great Lakes basin. The action plan leverages existing efforts and supports collaboration among jurisdictions to promote shared learning and resources, and to create strategic partnerships that accelerate efforts for a more resilient and adaptive Great Lakes basin and ensure that the waters of the Great Lakes are fishable, swimmable, and drinkable for everyone in the region.

Project Partners

The Great Lakes Commission Standing Committee on Climate Resilience is a diverse work group that includes representatives of local, state, provincial and federal governments, as well as the academic, nonprofit and private sectors.



The GLC’s work on the Great Lakes resiliency is made possible by funding from the eight Great Lakes states.

For More Information

Samantha Miller
Project Manager
Great Lakes Commission
734-396-6068 • [email protected]

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